Tuesday, December 22, 2015

T'was Right Before Christmas....

When all through the house 
People were freaking
Even the mouse!

For instant relief of the holiday overload, try this simple solution.  Take a walk outdoors.  I always find that the quickest way to push the "Refresh" button is to take a brisk walk.  

Elevate your heartrate

Hear birds chirping ( no matter how cold it is)

Feel fresh air on your face

Breath deeply

Notice the beauty in nature (especially at sunrise and sunset)

Recharge your batteries by taking time to unplug

When we unplug, we can discover what really matters

Happy Peaceful Holidays to you!

Visit the Accent on Organizing Webpage

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Holiday Organizing Tips

My Favorite Holiday Storage Tip

Is “Extra Storage Space” on your holiday wish list?  Look no further!  My absolute favorite way to instantly create more storage space is the elfa door and wall rack. http://www.containerstore.com/s?q=elfa+wall+%26+door+rack&submit=

You will think a brilliant Elf created this goodie, however, the Swedish company is called elfa (lower case e)  owned by The Container Store.  I use this product ALL the time with my clients to give them additional storage space on the back of a door or small wall space.

TIP:  Go vertical to maximize all available space in an area

Add pantry space by hanging the rack on a kitchen door. You instantly (takes 10 minutes to set up) have 80” of storage! Three different sized baskets let you customize your new found space. 

TIP:  Choose organizing solutions that are adjustable

 Three different sized baskets let you customize your new found space.  The baskets can be moved easily to your chosen spot on the vertical standard.   Simply attach the rack to the top and bottom of your door and tighten the hardware.  Want the rack on the wall? Chose the wall mounted standard for easy hanging. 

When the snow begins to fall, put gloves, hats and scarves in the baskets for easy grab and go.  When the warmer days return, move the baskets around and add your flip flop collection, sunscreen and beach towels to the baskets. 

Changed your mind about which door to hang the rack on?  Simply loosen the hardware with the allen wrench provided and move the rack – couldn’t be easier! Better yet, buy two racks during the elfa sale beginning December 26!

TIP:  Store your items close to where you use them

I have two of these racks in my kitchen.  One is on the pantry door and the second rack holds all of my gift wrap supplies.  Since I like to wrap gifts on the kitchen island, the rack is on the door leading to the basement – an arm’s reach from the island.

Ways I have used this wonderful rack with my clients:

Office supplies in a mini home office
Small toys in a playroom
Craft room storage
Laundry soaps and cleaning supplies
Mudroom storage for hats, scarves and mittens
Bathroom make up storage

Happy Holiday Storage to you!

Visit the Accent on Organizing Webpage